Thursday, December 19, 2019

How to Create A Work Plan For Maximum Productivity

Sweet Monkey..

Hello my special monkeys πŸ˜‹ Today I'll try to show you a way to create an awesome work plan for maximum productivity in your life. Actually I'll share my daily routines for focusing on my work. I believe it will work on you too.

How to create a work plan

First of all, we need to make a list for that current day. Like a checklist...

For example (it depends on your work)

  1. An energy-boosting breakfast βœ”οΈ
  2. Finish the first part of the work βœ”️
  3. Finish the second part of the work βœ”️
  4. Break time (Listening some music, watching a movie etc.) βœ”️
  5. Finish the third part of the work ❌

There are a few important details to make this plan happen real. You should feel happy yourself. And you need to feel this work is your passion. Doesn't matter even if this is not true! Because each steps will be completed easily when you feel or trick yourself better πŸ˜‰

The second part of this plan is the concentration...

You need to find a way to focusing much better on your work. It can depends on you, but I'll show my techniques about how to focus on my work.

I am using the nature sounds or ASMR videos to focusing on my work. And "" is a good example for non-stop nature sounds. Also I am playing an ASMR video in the background. For example:

The other step is using a stopwatch!

The idea of the feeling of competition with something makes me always stronger, faster and keeps alive. And competing with myself is a good way to be faster day by day.

I am starting the stopwatch, choosing a goal to finish that work... and I take note of that score. The other day, I am trying to finish that same work faster than score of last day. It can looks a little bit silly, but trust me.. it always works on me... also makes me happy when I beat myself πŸ˜„

Free Stopwatch

By the way, I am using the "Free Stopwatch" software on my computer. You can find it by searching on Google.

The penultimate step is the rewards! 

Do you remember the first step that I share? Checklist!

We must reward ourselves if we have completed the entire list. It totally depends on what you love to do or have!


Like an eating something you love, shopping, meeting friends etc.

In this way, you'll be more motivated. And your brain will push you to finish that list to reach that reward! Sounds cool huh?

And the last step... I believe you can imagine that.


This is an another strong motivation source to finish your work. Trust me again!!

If you can't finish your list, you have to punish yourself in a way. It can be about depriving yourself of something you love. Or doing something that you hate!


Like wearing something that will make you embarrassed, drinking or eating something that you hate, watching or listening something that is not your style etc.

And the good thing of this step is losing the "reward" and have to be doing something that you hate to punish yourself.

That's it!

I believe you're gonna make your days more powerful in this way... πŸ’ͺ

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