Friday, December 13, 2019

The Road [Movie Review] See Your Own Apocalypse Before You Die

Hello from Sweet Monkey

In these days the world is going to crazy much more, right? And I bet you believe everything will get worse. But I will say sincerely, this is not true! The world will not get worse. Because there's no option to be worse than before.


I really like to watch movies about post-apocalyptic world. Because it always gives me a chance to see or imagine how people can go back to their animal impulses when something gets worse.

It is so funny because everyone is thinking the post-apocalyptic world will happen after an epidemic disease, world war 3 or something like that. Yes, I find this so funny. Because we are already living in the post-apocalyptic world. The first days of the creation of humanity (in a way) was just the beginning. And we started to reach a good amount of population in the world. Then we started to harm nature, animals, plants, each other, the world itself.. so, it was the best part of creating the own apocalypse.

And suddenly, everything has changed. We just started to wear our glasses (like VR).. laws, beliefs, prophets, money, country borders, human rights, animal rights... And now we believe we are modern. We have a huge technology and it is getting better and better day by day. Less people are dying from wars or disasters...

I am saying these because there's only one way to believe that we will live the apocalypse. We should live in a good world.. we should be happy... we really should live in a golden age. I mean only if we live like this, and if we see the apocalypse, we can call it apocalypse.

If we cancel all laws, human rights, animal rights, country borders, money.. we would be reliving the real apocalypse we had in the past. All people would turn into monsters (animal impulses). So I mean, we don't need an epidemic disease, sun's death or a global war. Triggering the people's animal impulses is enough to live / go back to apocalypse!

Whatever... when apocalypse has come... I guess there would be only two options.. fight or run! (Yep, animal impulses again)

The Road is a great example to prove my thoughts about real humanity.

The Road Movie Review

A mom... she thinks the world's end has come... and no one can change this. And that's why she is leaving her own husband and child. She just chose the "run".

But that husband.. dad.. he is deciding to fight and protect his kid from this world. And they are starting to move on the road... with a hope.

The Road Movie Review

I don't wanna give you more spoiler at this case. But I can say, you're gonna see the "real" animals in this movie.. you're gonna see the cannibalism.. savagery.. hopelessness.. and hope.

The trailer of the movie

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